Friday 15 September 2017

September 2017: The Lessons by Naomi Alderman and The Secret History by Donna Tartt

This month was book club by the sea as we met in Littlehampton. Two books (because it was the summer and there is no August meeting) but also because they are linked in terms of subject matter, and on a wild, windy night the twisted university worlds made a good pairing.

1.     In the idyllic beginning it is easy to see why Richard is drawn to the group of Greek scholars. It is only after they begin to unravel that we see the sinister side of each of the characters. Do you think any one of the characters possesses true evil or is there something redeeming in everyone's character?

2.     At times Bunny, with his selfish behavior, seems devoid of a conscience, yet he is the most disturbed by the murder of the farmer. Is he more upset because he was "left out" of the group or because he feels what happened is wrong?

3.     Henry says to Richard, ". . . my life, for the most part, has been very stale and colorless. Dead, I mean. The world has always been an empty place to me. I was incapable of enjoying even the simplest things. I felt dead in everything I did. . . . But then it changed . . . The night I killed that man" (p. 463). How does Henry's reaction compare to that of the others involved in the murder(s)? Do you believe he feels remorse for what he has done?

4.     Discuss the significance of the scene in which Henry wipes his muddy hand across his shirt after throwing dirt onto Bunny's coffin at the funeral (p. 395).

5.     The author states that many people didn't sympathize with Richard. Did you find him a sympathetic character?

6.     What do you make of Richard's unrequited love for Camilla? Do you feel that she loved him in return? Or did she use his love for her as a tool to manipulate him?

7.     Do you feel the others used Richard as a pawn? If so, how?

8.     What do you feel is the significance of Julian's toast "Live forever" (p. 86)?

9.     Do you think that Julian feels he is somewhat responsible for the murder of Bunny? Is that why he doesn't turn the group in when he discovers the truth from Bunny's letter?

10.  What causes Julian to flee? Is it because of disappointment in his young protegees or in himself?

11.  While the inner circle of characters (Richard, Charles, Camilla, Henry, Francis, and the ill-fated Bunny) are the center of this tale, those on the periphery are equally important in their own ways (Judy Poovey, Cloke Rayburn, Marion, and so on). Discuss the roles of these characters.

12.  The rights for The Secret History were initially purchased by director/producer/screenwriter Alan J. Paluka (All The President's Men, The Pelican Brief), and they are currently with director Scott Hicks (Shine, Snow Falling on Cedars). What are your feelings about making the novel into a movie? Who would play the main characters if you were to cast it?