Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger

Here are the questions for September's meeting in Brighton on Her Fearful Symmetry:

1. Who did you sympathize with more, Julia or Valentina? Did your sympathies change as the story moved on?

2. Why do you think Valentina chose to risk death to be free from Julia? How much do you think Elspeth influenced her decision?

3. Do you think Elspeth intended to take Valentina's body all along?

4. How culpable was Robert in the plot to fake Valentina's death?

5. What does the subplot about Martin and Marijke add to the novel? How does their reunion compare with Robert and Elspeth's?

6. When you found out Elspeth and Edie's secret, did it change your opinion of those characters? Why do you think they tried to trick Jack in that way?

7. In what ways did each of the characters manipulate and control those they loved? Did the manipulators turn out happy in the end?

8. Rate Her Fearful Symmetry on a scale of 1 to 5.

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