Monday, 22 April 2019

April 2019: Education by Tara Westover

This month's meeting takes place in Crawley on Tuesday 23rd April, and the questions below have been adapted by Jane. I'm really sorry to be missing this one. What a story! I thought it was beautifully told; particularly the way that the narrator manages to make much of her early life seem 'reasonable', just as it must have seemed to her whilst experiencing it, and only disturbing later when viewed with a more worldly lens. It was also a particularly timely read given the echoes with the current news story about the trial and life imprisonment of the Turpin parents in California. Happy Easter, and happy discussing, everyone.

Discussion Questions

1. Many of Tara’s father’s choices have an obvious impact on Tara’s life, but how did her mother’s choices influence her? How did that change over time?

2. Tara’s brother Tyler tells her to take the ACT. What motivates Tara to follow his advice? 

3. Charles was Tara’s first window into the outside world. Under his influence, Tara begins to dress differently and takes medicine for the first time. Discuss Tara’s conflicting admiration for both Charles and her father. 

4. Tara has titled her book Educated and much of her education takes place in classrooms, lectures, or other university environments. But not all. What other important moments of "education" were there? What friends, acquaintances, or experiences had the most impact on Tara? What does that imply about what an education is?

5. Eventually, Tara confronts her family about her brother’s abuse. How do different the members of her family respond?

6. What keeps Tara coming back to her family as an adult?

7. Ultimately, what type of freedom did education give Tara?

8. Tara wrote this at the age of thirty, while in the midst of her healing process. Why do you think she chose to write it so young, and how does this distinguish the book from similar memoirs?

9. Tara paid a high price for her education: she lost her family. Do you think she would make the same choice again?